Alexis vs Blake in the Equal Pay battle.

Dynasty was an American TV soap opera that aired worldwide between 1981 and 1989. Created by Richard and Esther Shapiro who were a real powerhouse of its day, and produced by Aaron Spelling, one of the most prolific producers in the US TV history. The story revolved around the uber wealthy oil magnate Blake Carrington, […]

A Great Leader by Millennials.

Deloitte has recently spoken with nearly 8,000 Millennials (also referred to as Generation Y, which are those born in the 1980s and 1990s) about what makes a great leader. The survey was tasked with identifying leadership qualities they seek in their seniors. In my humble view, the timing was pretty spot on as Millennials will […]


Have you ever shied away from giving your colleague a constructive feedback on a specific action or behaviour you have observed? Have you ever got embarrassed about offering praise to acknowledge their efforts? Well, I suspect that just like me, you are regularly asking yourself: should I or should I not? No matter how awkward […]

Keeping Your Brain Healthy.

Healthy diet is super important for keeping our bodies healthy and energised at all times, especially relevant over the coming wintery cold months. But what about our brains? Here are few tricks you can adopt to stay on top of your brain powers. Nourishment – a healthy brain requires a well nourished healthy body. Following […]

October Energy Habits (Oliver Gray)

Here are the Three Energy Habits to help improve resilience to pressure shared with us by our friend Oliver Gray at Energise You: 1. Eat a high energy breakfast, lunch and dinner by combining healthy carbohydrates such as porridge oats, amaranth pops, brown rice, sweet potato, quinoa and protein such as chicken, turkey, tofu, eggs, fish, […]

I Love My Job, But…

…  I love me more! That’s why I try to leave work on time every night and I encourage you to do same. Managing my time at work effectively helps me with being generally more efficient, as well as maintaining a healthy social and family life. Here are few things to bear in mind: Work […]


HR: … so, tell me, what’s been going on? John: Well, I feel the company does not appreciate my efforts so I decided to look elsewhere. I have had few interviews already and one of our competitors has made me an offer – a higher position and 25% pay rise. I really love working here, […]


Leadership – the action of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this. But what does it mean to be a Leader? On one of my recent trips to The United Arab Emirates, I have come across an interesting description of what makes a good Leader, here it is: L is […]

Staying Fit with Adam Atkinson

Today is the last day of August, which marks the end of summer holidays and the beginning of the pre-Christmas race. In less than four months, our inboxes will be filled with invitations to countless Christmas lunches / dinners / parties… – all super fun, yet, pretty unhealthy time. It seems fit to think about keeping our Summer […]